XtGem Forum catalog


resolution = (width x height)
- Lcg Xplore (any version)
- (11pcs.) 63x62 PNG Icons
- (1pc.) 73x79 PNG Icon Highlight
- (1pc.) 33x134 JPG Icon Tabmenu
- (2pcs.) 240x320 Background JPG Image
- (1pc.) 240x320 Screensaver JPG Image
- (1pc.) 201x16 GIF Loading Image
- (1pc.) 235x114 PNG Loading Background Image
- theme_descriptor.xml
- NokiaTune.mid

1. Download the ATTACHMENTS and extract to get the theme_descriptor.xml and NokiaTune.mid files

2. Open Lcg Xplore
3. Make a folder and name it in any name you want
4. Put all the requied images and icons in that folder including the theme_descriptor.xml and NokiaTune.mid
5. Zip that folder by pressing Menu>Zip>Copy To Zip>
6. You will have the file folder.zip
7. Rename .zip into .nth (eg. folder.zip rename into folder.nth)
8. Send the folder.nth to a s40 device via bluetooth
9. Done! You have now successfuly created a s40 theme (.nth)!

Icons/Images Names
(11pcs.) 63x62 PNG Icons
* applications.png
* camera.png
* calendar.png
* gallery.png
* logs.png
* media.png
* messaging.png
* phonebook.png
* ptt.png
* services.png
* settings.png

(1pc.) 73x79 PNG Icon Highlight
* icon-highlight.png

(1pc.) 33x134 JPG Icon Tabmenu
* tabmenu.jpg

(2pcs.) 240x320 Background JPG Image
* idle.jpg
* menu.jpg

(1pc.) 240x320 Screensaver JPG Image
* screensaver.jpg

(1pc.) 201x16 GIF Loading Image
* loading.gif

(1pc.) 235x114 PNG Loading Background Image

A sample icons/images was included in the attached file

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